Jackson’s Premiere Chiropractic Centre
Unlock Your Best Performance

Areas of Expertise
When you think of chiropractic care, you probably picture spinal adjustment. While this is a part of what we offer, chiropractic care encompasses total body wellness. As we develop your personalized treatment plan, it’s likely that our chiropractor will choose to utilize a variety of modalities to help you meet your health goals. Of course, you have the final say in your treatment plan, so be sure to communicate with our chiropractor about your treatment preferences.

Chiropractic adjustments

Nutritional guidance

Personal injury rehabilitation

Deep-tissue laser therapy

Lifestyle advice

Neck, shoulder, and back treatment

PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy)

Screening for the spine and posture

Who We Are
Meet Dr. Randolph Penn
Dr. Penn is currently an active member of the PGA Tour medical staff. His practice is focused on helping people achieve optimal health by reducing neurological interference caused by physical, chemical, or emotional traumas. This is accomplished by adjusting the spine and other body systems, integrating wellness technologies, advising on proper nutrition, exercise and other healthy lifestyle choices.

Our Approach
Chiropractic care is as individualized as the patients who seek it. When you come in for your first appointment, we’ll talk with you about your goals for chiropractic care. Whether you’re rehabilitating an old injury, looking to relieve muscle tension, or wanting to improve your overall wellness, we’ll work with you to develop a plan unique to your needs. We believe in putting you in charge of your own care. You’re the expert on your body and your health history, and we’re here to help you on the journey to becoming your healthiest, happiest self.

Your First Appointment
What to Expect
What Others Think
Get the Right Chiropractor in Jackson, MI
Call Penn Chiropractic Centre today at (517) 784-7443 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.